Ichikawa Kobunji I (初代市川小文次: 2/1864 until an unknown date) (actor mid 1830s - early 1890s)

Kaikitsu (poetry name - 海橘)
Arashi Mitsuzō (嵐三津蔵 from an unknown date until 7/1860)
Bandō Tarō (坂東太郎 from an unknown date until 4/26/1894)
Nakamura Tsurusuke IV (四代目中村鶴助: 1/1862 to 1/1864)
Nakamura Umezō (中村梅蔵: 8/1860 to 12/1861)



Kobunji I held that name from 2/1864 to 8/1866. Born in 1833, he died on April 26, 1894, but had quit acting in May 1874. In his youth he started in Nagoya where he was a follower of Arashi Mitsugorō II, who gave him the name Arashi Mitsuzō (嵐三津蔵). Later he studied with Nakamura Shikan III (三代目中村芝翫: 1810-47) and took the name Nakamura Umezō (中村梅蔵). He moved to Edo and took the name Nakamura Tsurusuke IV (四代目中村鶴助) in 1/1862. He studied with Ichikawa Kodanji IV, which is when he took the name Ichikawa Kobunji I. His last teacher was Morita Kan'ya XII (十二代目森田勘弥: 1846-97) when he took the name Bandō Tarō in 1/1866. He spent his last years in minor theaters and with traveling troupes.

He appeared in prints by Kunichika and Kunisada II in 1864 and 1865.