Nakamura Shikan III (三代目中村芝翫 - from 1/1836 to 11/2/1847) (actor early 1810s - mid 1840s)

Gangyoku (poetry name - 眼玉)
Nakamura Komanosuke I (初代中村駒之助 - from 11/1818)
Nakamura Saizō (中村才蔵 - from 11/1817 to 10/1818)
Nakamura Tsurusuke II (二代目中村鶴助 - until 12/1835)


Kabuki theater terms


This actor held this name from 1/1836 to 11/1847. He died on the second day of the eleventh month of 1847. He was the adopted son of Nakamura Utaemon III (三代目中村歌右衛門: 1778-1838) who is represented in the Lyon Collection with nearly 40 prints. His father was Nakamura Tōzō II (1777-1816). His grandfather was Nakamura Tōzō I (1752-1798). His father-in-law was Kagaya Hashinosuke I (died 1832), the natural son of Nakamura Utaemon III. His brother by adoption was Nakamura Utaemon IV (1796-1852). His sons were Nakamura Tamashichi I (1837-1860) and Nakamura Tsurusuke V (1846-1892).

Nakamura Shikan III was a kaneru yakusha, who started in Edo but spent most of his career in the Kamigata theaters. He was popular and talented but unfortunately died too early at the age of 37.

It is said that, during the tough sumptuary laws of the last years of the Tenpō era, he was held up as a good example by the authorities because of his very modest way of life and his hard-working character.

